Why does the Seller has to confirm my order?
The Seller has 24 hours to provide confirmation of availability of the artwork. Sometimes it could be so the artwork has been sold in the gallery or at an art fair a few days prior to your order, the artwork may be being exhibited, or the Seller may ...
How do I know you have received my order?
Once you've placed your order, you will be directed to an order processing message which will contain your order details. This information will also be emailed to you; this can take up to 30 minutes to arrive in your inbox- so hold tight! Once the ...
Can I make changes to my order?
As soon as you place your order, we’re working on it. So it means we will be unable to make any changes as it’s already being processed (literally within seconds!). You’ll need to place another order and/or return any unwanted items. In this case ...